Friday, February 25, 2011

Motivation vs. Satisfaction

Jogo de Empresa

Prof. Mark Wolters

"And if you don’t like the people you’re with, you don’t have to work with them, you can just send e-mails! [risos] What? I’m just saying…"
"Grow the fuck up!"
"It’s like Sim City: the real world, but not really." [a propósito do Jogo]
"You don’t have to play this week because these guys are jerks!"
"Dammit, it sucks!"
"’Cause when you invest, that’s the only thing you fucking care about."
"Here in Portugal we’re screwed: we make no fucking money!"
"What the fuck?!"


Prof. José Manuel Fonseca

"Try to avoid an heart surgery. They cut you in half, open up your torso and… well, it’s not very nice."
"Great stuff! «Like»" [acompanhado de um "thumbs up"]
"The next morning, the kid wakes up – ‘cause it’s good to wake up; it means you’re not dead."
"No shit! I did a Business Plan for this thing."
"It’s all ethical; nobody lies in the financial world."
"I come from the place where all the retarders in Portugal come from: Alentejo."

Prof. Bernardo Pimentel

"That’s a kick in the balls of Strategy!"
"Wow, I have a beautiful handwriting."
"It surprises my own memory!"
"Don’t feel obsolete."


Prof.ª Paula Matos

"I would like to be respect when I’m present class."
"Implementation, evolution and controlling. Controlling, controlling of everything. Controlling!" [Implementation, evolution and control]
"[The Marketing plan] is not anymore adapted."
"I make some scanners." [I made some scannings]
"If you have a big lost."
"It’s a bit difficulty."
"First, you are going to be followed by Rafael." [medo...!]
"You open your imagination, but not too much!"
"Finally, almost, but not less important…" [aka, Last but not least]

Prof. Rafael Garrido

"How many money (…)?"
"I hope now you can start you Marketing Plan, ‘cause I was told you were a bit lost… [não obtém resposta] You are still lost!?"

Comportamento Organizacional

Prof. Nuno Guimarães da Costa

"We want motivated people, ‘cause just satisfied people might produce 0."
"I only accept undeveloped countries; the only almost developed country I want is Portugal."
"I’m always saying bad things about Portugal, but this is not Portugal; it happened in the United States!!"
"Please, don’t trust your colleagues."
"History? Bleh, show me the money!" [a falar da reacção dos alunos relativamente ao primeiro tópico do Programa]
"I think this is the most interesting topic of the course. OK, now you’re afraid!" [ainda em relação à vertente histórica da Cadeira]
"I do that very often. Try calling to a Call Center and treat them like people."
"(…) and then she gave me her name, which is not normal, ‘cause they have no names; they are talking machines!" [ainda a propósito de pessoas que trabalham em Call Centers]
"This question is perfect. It wasn’t done by me? … Well, it is a really good exam question!"
"The most obvious moment is when you have a child. It’s not the same as a cat or a dog!" [a propósito de comportamentos, responsabilidades e dependências…]

Gestão de Operações

Prof. Manuel Baganha

"If you think of a simple example, for example."
"How many minutes does a person spends in there?"
"Secruty" [Security]
"Look for example, another example."
"And now, problems arrive!"
"Not always you are attend according to the time you arrive."
"It’s the Little Law; not because it’s little, but because it’s the name of someone…"
"What does I know?"

Prof. ª Graça Silva

"Nas minhas turmas só tenho alunos em português."
"Surprise, surprise!"
"Não têm dúvidas, nem existenciais? Nada?"

Sistemas de Informação

Prof.ª Margarida Piteira

"Guys and girls!"
"In this curse…" [course]
"You must have silence!"
"Seven, seven!" [enquanto indica 4 dedos]
"What’s the funny, guys?"
"Not more than two pages maximum."
"You have one points more."
"Tomorrow you have not classes."
"Everyone gives me?" [gave]

[A tentar perceber quem eram os alunos de Intercâmbio naquela turma, dirigindo-se a três de ascendência oriental]
Prof: "You?"
Aluna: "No."
Prof: "You?"
Aluna: "No."
Prof: "Only you?!"

Prof: "First time in Europe?"
Aluno de Intercâmbio: "Yes."
[e continua, para o mesmo aluno] Prof: "First time in Lisbon?"

Prof: "And where are you from?"
Aluna de Intercâmbio: "The United States."
Prof: "Sorry...?"

E para terminar em beleza,
"My message pass to you? My message pass to you? My message pass to you?!"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pontapé de saída

Jogo de Empresa

Prof. Mark Wolters

[Depois de o professor pedir que cada aluno dissesse algo único sobre si]

Aluna: "I like to eat."

Prof: "Are you from Comida?"


Prof. José Manuel Fonseca

"I also have a website. I used it for 12 years, but I guess now it got… dissolved… into cyberspace."

"You don’t need to be a company; the government screws everyone!"

"I am a very cynical person."

"I have no hope; I will burn in the hell of economists."

"I’m not shitting you!"

"You wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom, look yourself in the mirror and what do you see? The cleverest and the most beautiful person in the world – because that’s what you should see. If you see that you’re the only clever person in the world, then something’s wrong with you!"

"What an idiot!"

[Depois de um aluno dizer que o preço de um determinado champô era razoável para o produto em causa] "Have you seen your doctor recently?! 'Cause it isn’t normal…!"

[Para o mesmo aluno] "After a semester with me, you’ll either become a lunatic or be like «I’D SHOVE IT IN THEIR F*CKING FACES AND …»"


Prof. Paula Matos

"I don’t expect to be surprised [by your works] because life is not extraordinary; life is normal."

"Are you crazy? Or am I stupid?!"

"The most important value for companies is love."

Comportamento Organizacional

Prof. Nuno Guimarães da Costa

"If you asked me that three years ago I’d say «Your problem!»; now I’m softer."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Diz-se por aí que a “renovada identidade gráfica, em inglês, [da NOVA] (…) é um encontro entre o clássico e o moderno, numa clara aposta na internacionalização e orientação para o futuro”. O próprio Director afirma ser já “tempo de assumirmos a nossa vocação de Escola de nível internacional”.
Porquê, então, uma ementa destas?!