Sessão de Esclarecimento de Dúvidas acerca dos Programas de Mestrado
Prof. Daniel Traça
“We like to think we’re innovative – you can just say we’re weird!...”
Jogo de Empresa
Prof. Mark Wolters
“How many times have government projections been right? Ah! Ah!”
“«Philosophy people, let’s do a spreadsheet!» / «Oh, I can do that. Here, I can spread these sheets!»”
“Every Tuesday we strike against a government that doesn’t exist anymore…”
“I was a dirty slug, I don’t remember!”
Prof. José Manuel Fonseca
“We are more classy [than Spanish people] – or more dumb…”
“And I’m not the kind of person who mocks other people…”
“I had NO clothes… – well, I had SOME clothes, obviously!”
“I hope you read books, even though they are full of BBB and BLC – Big Bags of Bullshit and Big Loads of Crap.”
Prof. Bernardo Pimentel
“If I started to talk about the Norwegian wood industry, you’d fall asleep – more than you already are.”
“I’m sure you already knew this, I was just trying to draw some nice things on the board” [depois de desenhar um autocarro, um comboio e um avião]
“(…) for chance, which is luck, and for government, which is bad luck!”
Prof.ª Paula Matos
“With different amounts of economic levels…”
“Can I give me, myself, the pleasure (…)?”
“We are speaking with the eyes of the distribution!”
“That means that I don’t would have it as a target.”
“These exchanges are grouped… in some groups.”
“A big amount of quantity.”
“We continue next… tomorrow.”
“The consumer, in this case, is not a normal consumer; it’s me, for example.”
“You go out from the downtown” [quando as empresas seleccionam o local para se estabelecerem, p.e. supermercado que se afasta do centro da cidade]
“Don’t think that we live all in the same world, ‘cause we don’t. Bom… Everything clear?”
“Comparission” [comparison]
“We want to maximize the target that is consuming our product. Actually, or in the future.”
Prof. Rafael Garrido
“Here, you have already presented the market butt – budget!”
“If you’re analyzing the country of origin from the country (…)”
Comportamento Organizacional
Prof. Nuno Guimarães da Costa
“Reality is like something that happens…”
“Don’t be like hyenas – they just eat dirt and they’re always laughing…”
“(…) Imagine that one of them is you, and the other one is from Lusófona! *risos* For Erasmus students, it’s a joke, ‘cause Lusófona is lousy!”
“In Roman, in Roman, sorry, in Rome!...”
“The ice is breaked…”
“Amn’t I?!”
“They told me everything. Everything! Good stuff!”
“I don’t want, I don’t want – no, it’s not what I want… – I don’t want – and here I go again…”
Gestão de Operações
Prof. Manuel Baganha
“I’m not just asking a question, I’m also asking what will be my next question.”
Prof.ª Graça Silva
“Já tinha corrigido as notas (…)”
“O que é o Iq? Não é o Ikea, é o Iq…”
“Só para depois não gerar pânico…!”
“Porque é que eu comecei a calcular a probabilidade de P0? Não estou com nenhum delírio, não!”
“Não fiquem assustados com as fórmulas porque elas são o menor dos vossos problemas…!”
Prof: “O Frederico está desatento!”
Frederico: “A Professora está desatenta!” [depois de a professora ter perguntado o significado de I quando, na realidade, queria perguntar o significado de Tq]
Prof: “A melhor calculadora, teóricas, práticas, tudo! Podem trazer tudo!”
Aluno: “O exame é com consulta?!”
Prof: “Estou a brincar, não podem trazer nada!”
Prof: “Oh amarelo! João! Como é que você se chama?!”
Aluno: “Gonçalo!”
Sistemas de Informação
Prof. Tomasz Miaskiewicz
“No questions on that? No? God, I’m good at this!”
Prof.ª Margarida Piteira
“Tomorrow you will always have 60 points!”