Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Studying Marketing

Prof. Paula Matos

“Your competitor is not anymore only the (…)”

“We don’t make babies in Portugal”

“We have the three: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline”

“Could you please slow down or to go out?”

“You milk the business!”

“My life is milk and cous!” [cows]

“And I have 2 examples, I guess, in the next slide”

“The hairs fly like waves”

“(…) in order to gain sensitibility”

“Let’s go to ask to my plan what went wrong”

“After three years, if the product continues in the market, which is the case in many, many cases (…)”

“It’s not at all difficult!”

“This plan should be current with the financial approach” [coherent]

“An animatic is a kind of banda desenhada”

“And you don’t invest too many money”

“So, market research can be used in almost everything – absolutely everything!”

“You want why? To know more!”

“I want why? I want why?”

“I’m talking about research because why?”

“I put myself on the position of a little bit ignorant”

Aluno: “I understand that theoretically, but, in the real life, who cares?

Prof.: [em choque] “Who cares? Who cares? We care!!”

“OK, you are just people…”

“The type of the product or the type of the category…” [the category of the product]

“I don’t want romances!”

Prof. Rafael Garrido

“He produces and, at the same time, sells the gods – goods!”

“(…) a shampoo was a shampoo – now you have different… er… flavors. [risos] well, not flavors, don’t drink them!”

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