Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall 2011: 1st half

"If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough"

Human Resources Management: Nuno Guimarães

“I don’t like managers – I am a manager myself, but I don’t like managers!”

“Managers are potential sociopaths”

“We are creating machines, not people – you are becoming senseless, heartless machines.”

“In the time that the baby boomers started to boom...”

Marketing in a Dynamic World: Jorge Velosa

“I hope you have taken a Marketing course before, because if you didn’t, you will suffer!”

“I've become an assassin: if I could, I would kill them…” [regarding the relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention, in what concerns TV operators in Portugal]

Quality Management: Sonia Dahab

“You might not be doing good comparations”

“If I don't create a partnership with my supplier or my partner…”

“A supplier is like a girlfriend…”

“Well, fail is part of life…”

“Imagine I am the inventor of ice cream – so important!!”

“I am now the customer, you are the clients!” [oookay…]

“If there are any doubts we have an extra class to take out the doubts.”


Rui said...

Fiquei agradavelmente surpreendido ao descobrir este vosso blog! Os meus parabéns! Fui aluno da FEUNL entre 1999 e 2003 e fiz algo parecido, que ainda está online em
Na altura de sair tentei arranjar quem quisesse continuar mas ninguém se quis dar ao trabalho, fico feliz que vocês o tenham feito! Parabéns!

Arty said...

Obrigada, Rui!
E parabéns também pelo teu site!