Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1º Semestre 07/08 - 6

Cálculo II

Prof. David Henriques

"Se for uma batata tipo batata doce, já não será um conjunto convexo."

"Eu vou trau! Cortar aqui a função, à samurai."


Prof. Pedro Portugal

"Econometricians are not like Prof. Karamba, we make educated guesses."

"Today, econometricians play the role of those priestes who, in ancient times, foresaw the future in the insides of animals."

"This is like a Robin Hood estimator!"

"The OLS is no longer the champion of estimators!"

"If you find yourself with a heteroskedastic model, first thing you say is: big deal!"

"If an econometrician doesn't have his dog, he has to hunt with his cat."

"û^2 = MIAU"

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